What Is The Chinese New Year?

The Chinese New Year has long been a time of great celebration and feasting in China. The calendar is a bit different in the Chinese calendar, and in fact, it rarely changes at all throughout the year. It only changes by taking two and four months and then having them add another four months onto the end. Unlike our calendar, which is always changing, the Chinese New Year does not change at all. This means that for the vast majority of the year, the Chinese New Year does not vary by date at all. Instead, it is just a time for feasting, drinking, and celebration with friends and family.

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what is the chinese new year


The new year is traditionally very dull and simple. There is no gambling or drinking, and very little else to make it interesting. This is true for both the traditional New Year's festivities, as well as those that happen after the traditional New Year. In some areas, such as China itself, a New Year's Celebration may last for a week while others like Hangzhou, also have their celebrations for two weeks. Regardless of where you live, these two weeks of celebration are filled with food, drink, and fun for everyone involved.


The traditional Chinese New Year is also filled with traditions and myths. One of these traditions says that on this New Year's Eve, when the sun sets on the east coast, spirits will rush to the western coast to celebrate the coming of spring. The whole point of this is that the New Year is about renewal and change, and that the entire world is constantly in a state of change. On this day, as the sun sets, the people will rush to the doorways of their homes and yell, "Ming Chuan!" To confirm that the spirit of change has come, they'll bang pots and pans together.

What Is the Chinese New Year?


Another tradition from what is the chinese new year celebrations involves the ancient custom of the harvesting of young wheat. When this old-time custom was started over three thousand years ago, it was to be used for making porcelain. But, in modern Chinese culture, the wheat is used as symbolic money. Farmers will open up the stalks of wheat at night and deposit the money into special paper bags.


Ancient Chinese citizens would wait until the new year began to gather at the edge of a mountain. They would pray to the mountain god and toss rice paper lanterns off the mountain into the air. This was to signify that the rice paper money had been successfully thrown into the air. When the New Year's Celebration finally arrives, this feast will quickly become a family feast as every member of the family rushes to be the first one to bring in the New Year's eggs! Of course, there is lots of food and gifts to be exchanged as well.


Chinese New Year's Eve is considered to be a very exciting time. Throughout the country, restaurants will be performing firecrackers and other traditional noise acts to ring in the New Year. And, the TV networks will be showing commercials for the coming year. All of this excitement is very exciting for the Chinese people, but they also recognize that the traditions of the Chinese New Year can be somewhat disturbing to some Westerners. For example, some individuals may find the bright lights and noises of the firecrackers to be disturbing.


Luckily, there are some individuals who choose to ignore what is going on around them and just enjoy their New Year's Celebration. In fact, it is not really possible for everyone to attend all of the traditional Chinese New Year's celebrations. If you are able to make it to one Chinese New Year's celebration, you will probably be able to attend another once it happens again the next year.


If you want to get involved in the Chinese New Year, there are many different ways that you can do so. There are numerous New Year's ceremonies that take place throughout the country, but there are also numerous Chinese-related activities that you can participate in. Many people will buy presents for the New Year's pets, as well as New Year's decorations. If you want to get involved in the Chinese traditions of celebrating the New Year, there are many great opportunities. However, it is important to keep in mind what is the Chinese New Year, because if you do not understand the customs, you may find yourself being distracted from what is truly a very exciting time.

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